How can a smart mirror change our perspective on body image through a data driven map of realistic personalized goals?

Our view on health and beauty has been warped in today's society. We have reached beyond what is healthy toward impossible body image goals, catalyzing into a surge in plastic surgery, performance enhancing drugs, and eating disorders. Without an understanding of what our expectations should realistically be, we are left to compare against others and inevitably feel unfulfilled.

Challenge: Reinforce the perception that health and beauty are linked, by creating an interface that will allow people to visually see what their healthy body image looks like, a body image not based on subjective standards of beauty, but a one that is on objective data of the user's BMI. (body mass index)

VAO challenges its users to find their best selves by simply looking at their reflection. Combining a smart mirror with a 3D capturing camera, VAO is able to determine its users BMI to create a virtual augmented outline of what a user's personal healthy body image goal should be. Not only are users able to see the progress that they have made, but they are also able to keep the momentum going with personalized workout routines and diets set by VAO's algorithms.

With its infrared capturing dual-sensor 3D camera, built-in leveling mount and therapeutic back lighting, VAO gives you the power of a personalized motivator, physical trainer, and nutritionist all in one sleek design. VAO's easy set up allows you to be on the road to a better you in a matter of minutes.